9 Most Accurate Bible Movies – Also Best Christian Movies to Watch

Movies are the most common source of entertainment. But they are also used to depict certain things, moral issues, and at times they also provide inspiration and act as a mediator for learning. Usually, people watch movies for fun and entertainment. But many movies are also made so that people can gain insight about a particular topic or learn about a new culture, practice or religion. Movies made on religion are rare. Such movies not only depict the teachings and moral and cultural aspects of a particular society of people but they also allow one to experience what he/she might not have been able to in reality.
Christianity, the religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, is considered to be one of the most divine and learned religion amongst all. Bible, the sacred book of Christians, is considered to be the inspired word of God. The old testaments and the new testaments are included in the Bible.
The Old Testament involves stories that teach people values like-patience, obedience, love, etc. The life of Jesus and the gospel are discussed in the New Testament. Many movies have also been made on this book. Some such famous movies include- The Passion of the Christ, The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, The Prince of Egypt among others.
Top Movies Based on the Bible
The Ten Commandments (1956)
This movie is considered to be epic and pretty accurate with the Bible. The movie covers Moses’ journey in a basket down the Nile River to the exodus out of Egypt. It also shows the 10 plagues which Egypt suffered.
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (1999)
This movie is based off of Genesis chapters 37 – 50. It depicts the story of Joseph. His brothers are full of jealousy, and due to this they throw him into a pit and bring his coat back to Jacob and proclaim his fake death. The movie shows Joseph’s rise to power in the city of Egypt as he attains the second position in command of the entire nation.
Left Behind (2000)
This movie showcases different characters seeking answers through chaos and confusion which lies all around them.
The Passion of the Christ (2004)
This movie is a must see and tops the list of best Christian movies ever-made. It is the most accurate depiction of the events leading up to the crucifixion that is available. This film actually shows how Christ was humiliated and tortured. It includes the crucifixion scene of Jesus as he is hung on the cross and depicts all the pain, he went through to keep the humanity alive.
The Nativity Story (2006)
This extremely Biblically accurate movie portrays the events that led up to the birth of Saviour.
The Story of David: From Shepherd to King of Israel (2008)
The life of David is shown in this film. Different scenes of his life like- defeat of Goliath, David’s affair with Bathsheba and his friendship with Jonathon are shown in the film.
Damascus (2010)
This film shows you the life of Saul before he became Paul. It shows you his conversion of a man of violence to a man of humility and obedience to God. They filmed this in the actual locations of the Biblical accounts, which makes this film very intriguing. This movie is a good depiction of the Biblical account and is really worth-watching.
Apostle Peter and the Last Supper (2012)
This movie pictures Peter as an old man in jail who witnesses some jailers in his last day in jail. He tells the story of Jesus and his love for all. The movie has various scriptures from the Bible and is said to be very accurate in all of the passages from the Bible
Amazing Love: The Story of Hosea (2012)
This movie tells the story of Hosea and his obedience to God by staying with his wife, Gomer, even after her wife commits a crime of infidelity against him. The protagonist of the story is Sean Astin and the tells story to a group of campers to make them realize the value of unconditional love.
Best Christian Movies to Watch
Same Kind of Different as Me
This Christian movie expresses the joy and pain of a broken relationship.
Joseph: King of Dreams
This movie shows the life of Joseph. How he got up from slavery and became the second most powerful man in the city of Egypt.
Soul Surfer
The movie portrays the story of Bethany Hamilton, who is a Christian and a life-long surfer. He gets attacked by a shark and loses his arm, but keeps his belief in Christ alive.
God Bless the Broken Road
This is a story of love between a widowed mother and a driver The movie depicts a true picture of balance between beauty and pain.
Victor Torres, is showed in this movie who struggled with drug addiction and through God’s grace he succeeded to come out of it. This movie teaches the depth of unconditional love of God.
Best Bible Movies to watch with your Family
The Visual Bible- This movie is about Jesus Christ, as told by John, the apostle.
Seder-Masochism (2018)- This is a movie for people who like religious musicals and comedies. The events in the movie are recited by Jesus, who is considered to be the Angel of Death and Moses.
Samson and Delilah (1949) -The story revolves around Samson, whose secret lies in his uncut hair, and his love for Delilah, the girl who discovers his secret, seduces him, and then betrays him to the Philistines.