5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes for Kids?

To maintain distance and protect ourselves, we all have decided to live apart. Things have moved to digital and the use of technology has increased considerably. Even students are forced to use online classes to continue their education and learning. But as a parent, you might be worried about your child’s future.
Are online classes better for our kids? What are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning?
Online Learning
Due to the current situation, Schools and Tuitions have decided to move digital. They are starting online classes. Every day a teacher appears on the screen and one by one each student logs in and the class begins.
While online learning can be advantageous for some, others can face some Struggles. Let us look into this in detail.
Advantages of Online Classes
- Convenient: Online learning is super convenient. The treasure of knowledge is just a few clicks away. You can have access to unlimited knowledge at your convenience. You can easily learn from anywhere and anytime.
- Flexible: Online Classes are quite beneficial for college students. The courses are flexible and a student can access it from anywhere and learn at their own pace
- Learning new things: With online learning, you can introduce your child to different subjects easily and conveniently. Multiple online learning platforms offer a variety of courses by which your child can earn easily and from experts at home.
- Cost-efficient: Online education is much more affordable than offline classroom learning. They even offer multiple payment options, moreover, students can also win scholarships and get discounts for the courses. Moreover, you can save a couple of bucks for commutation and class materials.
- Customized Learning: Online learning allows a student to learn at their own pace. Online classes are generally small and teachers can interact with each student effectively. Moreover, your child can learn through different materials like videos, slides, e-books, audiobooks, etc.
Drawbacks of Online Classes
Struggles of a parent of kids:
Online classes have given a double role to parents, one as a parent and the other as a teacher.
- Parents of 3-5 age groups: Online classes can be stressful for parents. The most difficult task is to et these small kids sit at a place and learn something. Parents have to sit beside their child and coax him to focus on what the teacher is saying. But who can stop these small devils?
- Parents are already facing difficult schedules and stress due to their work and these classes have add-on stress.
- Many states such as Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana. Etc have banned online classes for younger students
The House environment can be a big distraction for a child to focus on his class. In school, they are provided with a suitable environment to study but at home, they are easily distracted with ongoing activities of the home, such as guest coming, moms calling, or TV sounds.
A high level of screen glaring can result in several health harms, for instance, depressions, obesity. Students are required to large at the screen for a longer time than usual. Usually, parents always scolded them to stay from the screen and now they are the ones who are asking them to study.
The Technical issue for a teacher:
Many adults still struggle to use a Smartphone efficiently, but now they are required to use advanced features of the phone and teach a student.
Internet connection:
While students of cities and metropolitans can easily access online classes as they have smartphones, laptops, and good internet connections. But for children of small towns, villages and financially depressed students can afford online classes.
How Parents Can Ensure an Effective Online Learning Environment for Kids at Home?
As a parent, you surely want to help your child. Here are effective tips which you can try to optimize their learning through online classes.
– Choose a perfect spot for your child, which is free from noise and distractions. It should have proper lightings and all the required technologies.
– Create a daily timetable for your child considering all his tasks and activities.
– Your child can learn online through four different styles, Visual, Auditory, Reading, Kinesthetic learning. Choose one according to your child’s learning style.
– Make sure your child takes frequent breaks and walks around sometimes.
– Always remember to add some fun element so that he does not get bored and easily learns different things.