[How to] Is it possible to make a circle in Minecraft?

Do you play Minecraft? If yes then you probably know that it is all about squares and cubes. Minecraft is a game of blocks. The whole world including animals, nature, and humans are squares and rectangles.
Imagine it in real life! Feels weird right? I mean a world should include circles, squares, rectangles, spheres, triangles, etc. Everything in perfect proportion. But this is not the case with Minecraft.
However, what if you want t to construct a dome, globe, or circular field. This is something to think about…
How can you make a circle in Minecraft? Is it possible to make a circle in Minecraft?
In this, I will tell you how to create circular objects in Minecraft. So stay with me until the end of the article.
Minecraft- 3D World
Minecraft is a popular sandbox video game by developer Mojang. In this, game players explore the infinite terrain and find building items. Then they create and break apart different blocks in a 3D world.
Game modes of the Minecraft
There are five different game modes in Minecraft.
- Survival mode
- Hardcore mode
- Creative mode
- Adventure mode
- Spectator mode
Minecraft is a perfect place to boost your creativity. You can create a completely new world for yourself. This world comprises everything either square or cube. No matter if, it is a tree, bird, animal, or human.
However, without a circle a world is incomplete. What about magnificent domes, circular gardens, etc.
Is it possible to make a circle in Minecraft?
Well, to be true you cannot make a circle in Minecraft. There are no circular blocks in it. You cannot create a real curve in it.
But don’t let this get your spirit down. Everything is possible. While you cannot create a real circle, you can still construct your dome. How?
Let me explain!
Have you ever noticed your Television or Computer screen carefully? No! …no problem. Open a circle image on any one of them. Now look closely…
You can see that circle is made up of tiny square pixels. There are kept together in such a way that they appear to be a circle. With this similar concept, you can create a circle in Minecraft.
Minecraft circle guide
How to make a circle in Minecraft?
Here is a step-by-step explanation to create a perfect Minecraft circle:
Step 1. Construct a line segment. It should be 1/3rd of the circle’s diameter.
Step 2. Now, construct a line shorter than before the segment.
Step 3. Continue making shorter lines according to your need.
Step 4. Now repeat these steps.
Step 5. Look for any disturbance.
How to create a sphere
Creating a sphere is a bit complicated.
Step 1. Construct a vertical line segment.
Step 2. Now construct a circle on both sides.
Step 3. Keep making a circle each time increasing its size.
Step 4. Once you reach the center, repeat the steps.