9 Careers to Choose from after Becoming a Flight Attendant

Hey there if you are currently working as a cabin crew attendant and thinking of your future endeavors stay right here as we take you through the 9 jobs that you can opt for as an Ex-Flight attendant. We hope this article will enlighten you and help you in your new journey.
Firstly be sure that you want to leave and start your career in something new. We know that a lifestyle as a Cabin Crew is very different and so choosing a job that will fit your interest is something one needs to think about. There are many jobs that an Ex-Cabin crew can go for, they can also choose to work as a Ground staff at the airport too.
Apart from working in the Airline Industry below are some career choices you can choose from. With the experience as excellent customer service and great management skills adapting to a different work environment won’t be a daunting task.
Let’s explore all career choices one at a time.
Working as a blogger can be a fun and happy thing to do as a career while bagging some money for the same. You can become a travel blogger that allows you to travel or a fashion or beauty blogger depending upon your interest. Working as a Blogger will give you the liberty of ruling your working hours and not follow a strict work routine as you did in the airline industry. This change can be great for your mental health.
Content Writer
Yes, if you have your commands over words and love writing you can opt for a career in content writing. The genre of your writing can be related to your previous experience. So choose your clients or company wisely as going to a place where your experience is relevant will help you grow faster. Also, this profession will give you the time to stay back with your family as it can be easily done from home.
Language Trainer
You can also work as a Language Trainer for example if you are an expert in English you can go and work as a tutor for the same. This work might be interesting for you as it will allow you to meet different people from different parts of the world.
Working on a ship
Working on a Cruise ship after a flight attendant job can also be an option as the lifestyle would match and it will be easier for you to cope up with the change of work. Also, flight attendants have a greater chance of being selected.
Travel Agent
You can also work as a Travel agent due to your experience with different places and knowledge of different locations. This skillset will make you a great travel agent. Also, your previous experience will count in and be considered as a plus point.
Tour Guide
We are sure that most of the Flight Attendants love traveling so yes if you love traveling and want to keep doing it then the Tour guide can be an option where you get paid for travel. Your knowledge of places will help you grow here.
Front Office Attendants
Front Office Attendants in a hotel or a corporate can also be one of the 9 options mentioned in this article. This field is quite similar to your profession. And will not feel like a great career jump also your experience in hospitality will make your application strong.
Pilot after flight attendants is rare but yes not impossible. You will have to go back and start preparing to study for the pilot and get ready to be trained. Being productive at work as a flight attendant will help you in the training. Once you clear the exam the training will be scheduled.
Oversea nanny or caretaker
If you want to stay overseas, working as a nanny or caretaker can also be a choice for the one who is interested to do so. Language won’t be a problem here as the parents want the nanny to speak in English with the kids. Moreover knowing a different international language will be a great help and increase your chances to get work in that country.
Hope you found the article informative. Before starting anything we suggest you think about what you like and what you will love being paid for. Career change seems to be difficult but with proper planning and strategy, it may go as smoothly as you would wish it could.
Feel free to reach out to us.
Adios 🙂